Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sermon: Tuesday in 1 Lent 2010

Today's gospel is Jesus teaching the Lord's prayer. I was reminded of one of the image NT Wright uses to describe the essence of this prayer: binoculars. We so often see our lives dualistically: God's life out there somewhere vs. our life here on earth. The incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection belie such an abstraction, but we slip back into that disconnected thinking pretty easily, and Jesus teaches us to pray that God's will be done here--that our life here become more like God's life.

Wright suggests that we think of binoculars: When you first put them up to your eyes, there are two distinct shafts of vision and it's hard to see either clearly. But pull them together and the two competing visions become one vision. So it is with our life in Christ. When we pull His life and our lives closer together, we begin to see with God's eyes and cooperate in building a world that looks more like God's kingdom.

Read Wright's commentary here.

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