Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sermon: Epiphany 3C

In today's gospel Jesus reads from the scroll of Isaiah, telling us he's the anointed one, the one sent to deliver God's good news to the poor. We too are anointed--sealed in baptism by the power of the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ's own, forever. We gather here week after week, dipping our fingers in the blessed water of baptism and gathering around the table, putting our hand out for a bite of the Body. We leave here, not as individuals, but as members of the same body, unified in the name of Christ, enlivened by the Holy Spirit, sent to proclaim God's good news to the poor. This, Martin Luther King reminds us, is the way God’s universe is made; this is the way it is structured.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

This Week at the Cathedral

The third week of Epiphany

January 25th, 2010

The Annual Parish Meeting is THIS Sunday, January 31
immediately following the 10:00 service. A light lunch of soup, fruit, and
bread will be provided.

Call for Chapter Nominations
With the Annual Meeting of the Cathedral Parish fast approaching, it will
be time to elect four members of the congregation to serve on the Chapter
of Christ Church Cathedral. These Congregation Directors, as they are
called in our by laws, are communicants in good standing*If you are
interested in submitting a fellow parishioner or your own name for
nomination, please fill out a nomination form. These forms are in the
Narthex and the office hallway. Questions about nominations can be directed
to the Cathedral Office or to one of the members of the Chapter Nominating
Committee: Marilyn Werst, Sissy Lanier, Dorothy Converse and Louise Isaacs.

* "Communicant in good standing" means all lay persons whose baptisms
have been recorded in the Church, have Holy Communion in the Church at
least 3 times during the preceding year, have been faithful in corporate
worship (unless a good cause has prevented) and in working, prating and
giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God and whose membership
certificates are recorded in the office of Christ Church Cathedral.

WANTED: servers at the Lord’s table
We are looking for a few people, adult or child, to would be interested
in serving as an acolyte. Depending on the number of people we have, it
would be approximately a once a month rotation. Please see Tom Thill for
more information or to sign up.

Bishop Aglionby Harvest Ingathering
A couple months ago Christ Church received offerings for the Bishop
Aglionby Memorial Cathedral Harvest ingathering of 2009. We were able to
send $700. Susan Herlin has asked Dean Jacob Ayeebo to send us photos of
the presentation because we enjoy receiving news from our friends in
Tamale. Many thanks to everyone for your generosity in giving!

Worship During the Week
• Holy Eucharist is offered on
Wednesday at 7:30 am.
• Morning Prayer is offered in the Chapel
Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:00.

Bible Study
Led by Tom Peters, the group is currently studying the Gospel of Mark.
Bible Study meets every Sunday morning at 9:00 in the Conference Room. All
are welcome.

Living Water,
the title of the art quilt in the Chancel, will be with us through the
season of Epiphany. It is by fiber artist Penny Sisto.

The choir, again this year, will be hosting the Shrove Tuesday Pancake
Supper on Tuesday, February 16 with good food and fun entertainment. Choir
members will be selling tickets so please put this on your calendar and
plan to come!

In Search of TV Nostalgia
The theme for our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper this year is classic TV.
If you have anything related to this around your house, such as old end
tables, lamps, televisions, antennae, popcorn makers, remote controls, TV
Guides, TV stands, and other such paraphernalia, then please let Bryan
Platt (in the choir) know right away. Even if all you can do is loan an
item or items, that would be most appreciated. Bryan Platt may be reached
at 502.495.0640 or [] or
in person. Thank you, in advance.

2010 Parish Directory Update
It’s time to update the September 2009 version. A hard copy of the
directory will be available in the narthex before and after services each
Sunday of January. Please review your listing and note any changes. If you
do not have an entry at all, there will be extra pages for your
Sissy Lanier will also be in the narthex to snap your photo. If the
existing photo is OK, no need to redo. Otherwise, make a note to have yours
made. The deadline for photos, changes and additions will be Sunday, Jan.
31. The directory update will be made available in February.
If you prefer, you can also email your updates to Terry Laun at

This Week!!
We celebrate the birthdays of Randy Peters and Sarah Bourlakas.

Events at Christ Church Cathedral for the
Week of 01-25-10

Monday, January 25th
6:30p-8:45p EfM in Deans Hall
8:00p- 9:00p Dual Diagnosis AA in Bishops Hall

Tuesday, January 26th
9:00a-9:30a Morning Prayer in the Chapel
5:30p-7:30p Cornerstone in Deans Hall

Wednesday, January 27th
7:30a-8:00a Holy Eucharist, Rite II in the Chapel
7:45a-9:00a Cursillo 4th day group meeting
12:15p-1:00p IFP/P Meditation in Bishops Hall.
6:30p-7:30p Choir Rehearsal in the Choir room

Thursday, January 28th
9:00a-9:30a Morning Prayer in the Chapel
4:00p-8:00p Trustees & Council Meeting in Bishops Hall
5:30p-7:30p Cornerstone in Deans Hall

Sunday, January 31st
8:15a-Holy Eucharist, Rite I in the Cathedral
9:00a- Bible study in the Conference Room
10:00a- Holy Eucharist, Rite II in the Cathedral
11:00a- 12:00 Annual Meeting in Bishops Hall

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cathedral Parish Notes 1/20/2010

Cathedral Parish Notes
The second week of Epiphany
January 19th, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sermon: Epiphany 2C

Listen to Dean Bourlakas' Epiphany 1C sermon:

Some responses to Pat Robertson

From MoAmy: Two Christian responses to Haiti: Pat Robertson vs. the Missionaries
Bishop Dan Edwards (Nevada) on Robertson, Bonhoeffer, God, & Haiti. Moments of Silence

(I keep a blog at When I think it's particularly relevant to the Cathedral community, I'll cross-post it here.)


Twice Sunday there were moments of silence in the Cathedral.

First, during the prayers of the people, we were called to a long silence during which we were to hold our Haitian brothers and sisters up before God. During the second, we remembered murder victims in the city of Louisville after hearing the Cathedral bells toll for the dead. These moments of silence were offered as a prayerful space in which to absorb the pain of our neighbors, near and far, and to unite our intentions in a moment of intercession on behalf of their suffering. Silence can be hard. We don't always know what to do with it. Sometimes we want to hear something and it just doesn't emerge. Sometimes we can't quiet our thoughts long enough to engage the restfulness silence promises. Sometimes silence too quickly exposes the pained cries of our own heart.

This day, however, there was not really silence. Both of these prayer-filled pauses were also filled with the sound of running water.

The running water of the baptismal font is always in the background of our life together at the Cathedral. It greets each person that enters our doors. Its water flows continuously, pouring into the octagonal pool below, reminding the baptized of their new life in Christ and welcoming the stranger into the family of God. It proclaims to those who dip their fingers in it that our imagined separation from God and our neighbors has been washed away in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and that even death no longer has power over us. "Nothing," it preaches, "can ever come between us and the love of God."

And so a moment which could have simply memorialized the power of sadness and loss was filled instead with a reminder of our unending life in the God who is living water for all who thirst. Thanks be to God.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sermon: Epiphany 1C

Listen to Canon Coultas' Epiphany 1C sermon: